
SeerPharma has partnered with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) to deliver innovative, university-accredited graduate programs in Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP). Practice-based and contemporary, the programs are unique in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.

Supporting both online and on campus study modes, students from anywhere in the world can obtain GMP postgraduate qualifications:

  • Graduate Certificate in GMP
  • Graduate Diploma in GMP
  • Master of GMP



Courses have been designed to address an unmet industry need. The units of study cover all stages of the product life cycle, from pre-clinical and clinical through to commercial manufacturing. Industry based research projects may also be offered to students on the basis of availability and merit, helping students to build relationships with local industry.

Subjects and Commencement

Graduate Certificate Graduate Diploma Masters
Four (4) subjects Eight (8) subjects Sixteen (16) subjects

For a part time study load, students typically study two subjects per semester. All students must study “International GMPs and Quality Assurance” (see video introduction below) and choose additional subjects from those listed below. Students can commence in either semester 1 or semester 2.

First Year Subjects
Semester 1 (starts February) Semester 2 (starts July)
International GMPs and QA GxP and Quality Auditing Practices
GMP for Manufacturing Operations Risk Mgt for Pharmaceutical Operations
Validation Principles and Practices Good Aseptic Practices / Sterile Products
Good (QC) Laboratory Practices Contamination Control
Second Year Subjects
Process Development for Therapeutics Computer Systems Validation
Clinical Trials QA Management Medical Device Regulations & Quality Systems
Supply Chain Management Biotech Manufacturing
Industrial Research Project A Industrial Research Project B

Meet Some of Our Students

Meet GMP Postgraduate Student Esther KoppMeet GMP Postgraduate Student Lina Sandberg

Meet GMP Postgraduate Student Kunal GadhviMeet GMP Postgraduate Student Teresa Domagala

Meet GMP Postgraduate Student Anjali PatelMeet GMP Postgraduate Student - Mitchell Wassink


Free Online Information Session (for online and on campus)

We invite you to learn more about obtaining your postgraduate qualification in GMP by attending our free online information session on 16 October, 2024 from 5:00 PM - 6:00PM (Sydney time).

Register Your Attendance


Learn about the SeerPharma Scholarship $2,000 - $8,000 towards your tuition


Online Study

Online learning is a practical option for students unable to attend campus due to work commitments or distance. This is a flexible mode of learning in which students study when it suits them. Studying online does not mean that the student is isolated from the teacher or from the learning community. A variety of strategies are used to provide an environment for learning and to foster student-student collaboration.


Online students will learn through online content comprising of videos, set reading, directed research, activities and self-check quizzes. This independent learning will be supported by group learning experiences using online discussions, in which ideas and concepts can be tested and refined. In addition, online students will have regular access to the class teacher via online ‘open office’ hours.

Assessment is conducted throughout the semester and comprises tasks such as contribution to online discussions, written and/or oral reports, group projects, presentations via online conferencing and written exams.

Each subject is structured as a number of modules that typically cover a two-week period. Materials are made available on UTS’ online learning system which can be accessed from your computer, tablet or mobile device, so you can learn anywhere, anytime.

Each subject will require approximately 3-6 hours per week of study. Time will vary depending on student familiarity with the subject matter. Additional time may be needed to complete assessments.

Download the Course Booklet below and see the How to Apply section on page 11.

Download Course Booklet

For more information about the online or on campus programs and to apply, please click here.

Need more information about online study?